About The Hunt

Samson's Ridge Hunt Information

Hunting may consist of hunting out of one of our 22 shooting houses strategically placed throughout the property.  Ladder stands will be available for bow hunting.  Heated stands are available upon request. Guests with special needs can easily be accommodated.

Transportation to and from the hunting area is done by custom ATV’s and the guides will take care of dressing and transportation of your monster buck to the lodge.  Upon returning to the Samson’s Ridge Lodge, your deer will be caped.  After your deer is caped, you will have the choice of sending your trophy kill to our local taxidermist or to transport it yourself to your own.

It is our intention to get you a reasonable opportunity at the caliber deer you are looking to harvest.  If that opportunity does not happen you can come back and hunt again at a mutually acceptable date.  If a shot is attempted and/or a deer is wounded, the obligation on our behalf has been met.  Every reasonable attempt will be made to recover a wounded deer.

Call Len Rudd - Owner

hunter standing next to a trophy deer
a large male deer sitting in the grass

Scoring Price List

  • Up to 160
  • 160 to 180
  • 180 to 200
  • 200 to 220
  • 220 to 250
  • 300+

Four or more hunters in a group get a 5% discount.

Score is based on SCI Scoring.

All Hunts Include:

Hunt FAQs

What are the restrictions on weapons used in the state of Illinois and how do they apply to Samson’s Ridge?

There are no firearm restrictions that apply when hunting with us at Samson’s Ridge, LLC. You may use any type of weapon you want when hunting with us at Samson’s Ridge, LLC. Whether you choose a pistol, shotgun, rifle, bow, crossbow it is your choice.

How is this possible for the state of Illinois?

Again we are a privately owned hunting preserve, which is high fenced, and established in 1997 with rolling hills of thick ground cover, towering oak, maple, pine, and dogwood trees, cedar, blackberry, and wild rose thickets.  Our hunting bi-laws differ from the normal rules and regulations set by the state of Illinois for what is known as fair chase hunting. Samson’s Ridge, LLC is Regulated and Governed by the Agriculture Laws of this state.

What happens if the opportunity does not present itself?

You may come back on a mutually agreeable date.

Are there any Trophy Fees or any other fees in addition to your price quote?

No. However, there are four things that are not included in the quoted cost of the hunt and they include; your taxidermy work, local processing fee, any shipping fees, and a suggested tip to your guide.

When does hunting season begin and end?

Velvet hunts begin around the second or third week of August. The hard antler harvest will begin around Mid-September. Our hunting season usually ends around January 1st.

What is the cost for a non hunting guest?

There is a fee of $150.00 per night for each non-hunting guest.

Can I hunt with my bow for the first few hunts, and then switch over to a firearm should I not have any success with my bow?

Yes, this is not a problem.

Is a hunter’s safety card required for any one born after January 1, 1980?


Can I upgrade once I get there and can I harvest more than one deer?

You can upgrade and harvest more than one deer for an additional cost.

Is there a guarantee opportunity for bow hunters?

No, due to the shorter yardage need for one using a bow verses firearms.

Do you offer Corporate Discounts?

Yes. Contact 270.994.2553 for more information.

Do you furnish references?

Yes, upon request.

Pheasant & Elk Hunting Is Available

Make arrangements with your guide to schedule your hunt.


Simply incredible… what a lot of hard work, strict management, and patience can do for the whitetail deer. With multiple food plots of alfalfa, corn, soybeans, and clover and a customized supplemental feed program, the bucks of Samson’s Ridge have literally “outdone” themselves. Living up to their potential and ranging throughout the thick forage and spectacular habitat, these amazing deer have exceeded our expectations.

A $100.00 deposit is due at the time of booking. With balance of hunt due in full before Departure of Samson’s Ridge, or the State of Illinois! (Deposit is Non-Refundable) Hunts start at $3995. There are a limited number of hunts available at Samson’s Ridge each year. Once all hunts are booked, we will begin begin booking for the following hunt season. All hunts are up to a 3 day hunt.

Call Len Rudd - Owner

smiling hunter holding up the antlers of a trophy deer